They Were All Hitters That Night

A little late on this but wanted to jot it down before I forgot. We had a game last night and every kid on the roster hit, many of them every time they were up. My absolute favorite was one who I’ve been striking out all season. Usually the kids who aren’t the strongest hitters will dribble their first hit up towards the pitcher but this one was going to make his first a memorable one and he ripped one right up the middle, nearly taking my leg off. It certainly made my night but it may also be one of the highlights I recall in years yet to pass. His dad was understandably thrilled and from what I’ve been told, he has cancelled the hit (the other kind of “hit”) on me. Phew!

It was a rare win for us but that doesn’t matter too much. Anyone with a 7 year old boy can tell you, the kids only endure practices and hanging around in the outfield for two reasons: 1) To get a hit when it’s (finally!) their turn at bat and 2) To hit a walk-off grand slam in the championship.

Side note: Since this has never happened before and is not likely to happen again in the future I have to pull a proud Dad moment and recognize that Ben went 4 for 4 (all base hits).  The stars were aligned for us and I’ll never forget it.  Of course, he’ll not know what to do when the next strike-out occurs but I’m not going to worry about that now because we have a streak going — way to go kid!