Fun With QR Codes

I’ve been thinking about QR Codes for a couple of years, ever since my neighbor introduced them to me when he was working on a labeling project. I never spent a ton of time on them because they didn’t seem to be heavily used at the end user level, quite likely due to lack of proper hardware.  Then on one of my daily travels through the domainer space I noticed Domain Shane’s feed had a headline mentioning them.  I read his story and one of the interesting ways he may use them in his business and figured I’d start slapping around ideas about how I could use them too. I’ll need more time on that.

While bouncing around the ideas I wondered if Shane had more to his story than I had initially picked up on so I went back and sure enough, there was more to it.  Well, now I’m happily pointing my iPhone at every little QR Code I come across and eventually I’m sure I’ll come up with some clever use for that neat little tech.

Thanks for the shirt mister!